In the majority of cases planning permission is not required. However, you should always check with your local authority planning department before starting works.
As EWI covers the whole of the outside of your property, it is likely to change its appearance and you should ask your local authority planning department whether planning permission is required to install EWI.
Planning permission is not required and is acceptable under permitted development if the final wall covering reflects that of the existing building. i.e. if the existing is a dry dash finish, the new finish should be dry dash. If the new finish varies from that on the existing building, then it is likely planning permission is required.
Planning permission is generally required if the property is within a conservation area or a designated area such as the green belt or countryside.
In a local conservation area, the decision will depend upon the planning constraints of the particular conservation area. Your local authority planning department will be able to advise on any special requirements, particularly relating to the necessary appearance of the finished works. There are a range of finishes which can be used to emulate the surrounding properties and samples can be provided to satisfy local authorities.
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