Watling Place is the first phase of a major regeneration master-plan by the London Borough of Brent and L&Q to provide 2,500 new homes in South Kilburn. The development comprises 113 affordable homes for rent, 20 shared ownership homes and 20 homes for private sale. These include 24 family maisonettes located on the ground floor, 7 family apartments and 16 wheelchair-adaptable homes.
With sustainable features including photovoltaic panels, triple glazed windows and green roofs, the development meets the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3; and when a planned district heating system comes online in the final phase it is expected to meet Level 4.
Achieving the required level of sustainability also demanded the use of an effective insulated render system that works well with other cladding types used on the development.
To meet the requirements of the Government’s Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4, as planned, thermal efficiency was key. Insulation involved the use of over 6,000m2 of 160mm EPS TS Rail render system with a high performance silicone finish.
Importantly, the TS Rail render system has proved a cost-effective way of complementing the other cladding types used on the development.
The taller blocks are clad using five different colours. SPSenvirowall renders are available in a wide range of colours and blend perfectly with the design of the structure.
Selected for their outstanding quality and longevity, they will enable the buildings’ facades to remain clean and bright into the future.
Highly cost-effective and of outstanding quality, TS Rail is used by contractors and installers throughout the UK; it is NHBC-approved for use in concrete frame constructions with lightweight steel frame and cement particle board in-fills.
With over 150,000m2 supplied in 2012, it is the industry leading render system for use in new build high rise residential developments.
The TS Rail is British Board of Agrement-certified and approved by all residential insurers including NHBC, LABC and Checkmate.
The render system incorporates a fire retardant expanded polystyrene insulant (EPS) that has successfully undergone full-scale fire testing to BS8414 Part 2 of the building regulations, and is compliant for use on buildings above 18 metres high.
TS Rail is also exceptionally flexible, which allows for a seamless finish on even the tallest elevations of continuous render.
Even the most severe deflections at intermediate floor levels can be carried through to the rendered finish, without the need for movement joints.
This allows for a crisp, flawless modern look that cannot be achieved with other rain-screen clad systems.

Albert Road Case Study
SPSenvirowall supplied over 6,000m2 of 160mm EPS TS Rail
render system with a high performance silicone finish.